Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Minimally Invasive Weight Loss Procedure
Sleeve gastrectomy, also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy, is an effective surgical weight loss procedure. This minimally invasive surgery is typically performed laparoscopically, utilizing small incisions in the upper abdomen through which specialized instruments are inserted.
During the sleeve gastrectomy procedure, approximately 80% of the stomach is removed, leaving behind a slender, tube-shaped stomach similar in size and shape to a banana. This reduction in stomach size restricts the amount of food you can consume, aiding in weight loss. Additionally, the surgery triggers hormonal changes that support weight loss and can alleviate weight-related health conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease.
Sleeve gastrectomy is performed laparoscopically, offering several advantages such as reduced complications and faster recovery times.
Before undergoing sleeve gastrectomy, various medical assessments, tests, and consultations are conducted. These include blood tests, x-rays, ultrasonography, endoscopy, as well as evaluations by specialists in endocrinology, cardiology, pulmonology, psychology, and anaesthesia. Nutritional guidance is provided by a dietitian, and it’s essential to quit smoking at least three months before the surgery. Any medications and supplements you use should be disclosed to the surgical team.
The surgery itself is performed under general anaesthesia, primarily through laparoscopy, which involves creating small incisions. A specialized device called a stomach stapler is used to transform the stomach into a tube. The entire procedure typically takes 45 minutes to 1 hour. Safety checks, including a leak test, are performed during surgery. After awakening from anaesthesia, you’ll be moved to your recovery area.
Why Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery Is Performed
Gastric sleeve surgery is performed to help individuals lose excess weight and reduce the risk of life-threatening weight-related health issues, including heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obstructive sleep apnoea, type 2 diabetes, stroke, cancer, and infertility.
This surgery is typically considered only after attempts to lose weight through diet and exercise have been made. It is essential to commit to a long-term lifestyle change, including diet, exercise, and medical monitoring.
Losing Weight with Sleeve Gastrectomy
Sleeve gastrectomy reduces stomach volume, a vital aspect of obesity and metabolic surgery. Post-surgery, patients should maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen to maximize results. Following a proper diet, managing portion sizes, and avoiding prohibited foods are critical to success.
Nutrition and exercise plans are customized to each individual, considering factors like obesity-related health conditions and hormonal imbalances. Consistent adherence to these plans is crucial for successful weight loss.
Post-Gastrectomy Considerations
After gastrectomy, eating habits and nutritional intake are significantly altered. Patients, especially those who have undergone total gastrectomy, must carefully regulate their diet due to the impact on digestion and nutrient absorption. Supplements or nutritional support may be necessary.
Gastrectomy is a major surgical procedure with inherent risks. It’s essential to have a thorough evaluation by a specialist surgeon to determine its suitability based on your overall health. Continuous post-surgery monitoring and treatment are vital for a healthy recovery and nutritional regulation.